Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist, candidate of medical sciences consultation | 650.00 |
Nephrologist consultation | 600.00 |
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 500.00 |
Doctor of medical sciences, professor consultation | 850.00 |
Doctor of medical sciences, professor re-consultation | 650.00 |
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder | 400.00 |
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs | 500.00 |
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) | 800.00 |
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity | 600.00 |
Rapid urine analysis | 100.00 |
Rapid test for acetone | 80.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis B virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis C virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen | 300.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen* | 200.00 |
Express blood glucose analysis | 80.00 |
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection | 60.00 |
Intravenous injection | 80.00 |
Intravenous infusion | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to painkillers, anesthetics | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to antibacterial drugs | 60.00 |
Installation of an intravenous catheter | 60.00 |
Bandaging | 150.00 |
Suture removal | 100.00 |
Local anesthesia | 120.00 |
Removal of the CV catheter | 150.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 150.00 |
Measurement of BCM | 150.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Formation of temporary vascular access (installation of a two-way catheter) | 2300.00 |
Формування тимчасового судинного доступу (встановлення двохходового катетера)* | 1700.00 |
Лікування пацієнтів методом постійного перитонеального діалізу в амбулаторних умовах** | 200.00 |
Навчання проведенню процедури постійного амбулаторного перитонеального діалізу | 300.00 |
Заміна перехідної трубки | 550.00 |
Органайзер | 2400.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 700.00 |
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 350.00 |
Nephrologist consultation online | 400.00 |
Nephrologist online re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 200.00 |
Rapid urine analysis | 100.00 |
Rapid test for acetone | 80.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis B virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis C virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen | 600.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen* | 300.00 |
Express blood glucose analysis | 80.00 |
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection | 60.00 |
Intravenous injection | 80.00 |
Intravenous infusion | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to painkillers, anesthetics | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to antibacterial drugs | 60.00 |
Installation of an intravenous catheter | 60.00 |
Bandaging | 150.00 |
Suture removal | 100.00 |
Local anesthesia | 120.00 |
Removal of the CV catheter | 150.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 150.00 |
Measurement of BCM | 150.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Formation of temporary vascular access (installation of a two-way catheter) | 2300.00 |
Формування тимчасового судинного доступу (встановлення двохходового катетера)* | 1700.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist, candidate of medical sciences consultation | 600.00 |
Re-consultation with nephrologist (candidate of medical sciences) (up to 14 days) | 450.00 |
Nephrologist consultation | 400.00 |
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 300.00 |
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder | 250.00 |
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) | 300.00 |
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity | 250.00 |
Ultrasound of the transplanted kidney | 150.00 |
Дуплексне сканування артерій 2 нижніх кінцівок | 300.00 |
Дуплексне сканування артерій 1 нижньої кінцівки | 200.00 |
Дуплексне сканування артерій 2 верхніх кінцівок | 300.00 |
Дуплексне сканування артерій 1 верхньої кінцівки | 200.00 |
Дуплексне сканування вен 2 нижніх кінцівок | 300.00 |
Дуплексне сканування вен 1 нижньої кінцівки | 200.00 |
Дуплексне сканування вен 2 верхніх кінцівок | 300.00 |
Дуплексне сканування вен 1 верхньої кінцівки | 200.00 |
Дуплексне сканування підвздошних артерій | 300.00 |
Дуплексне сканування артеріо-венозної фістули | 200.00 |
Дуплексне сканування судин нирок | 350.00 |
Duplex scanning of the main vessels of the head and neck | 350.00 |
УЗД м'яких тканин | 200.00 |
УЗД плевральних порожнин | 200.00 |
Neurosonography | 300.00 |
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland | 250.00 |
Rapid urine analysis | 100.00 |
Rapid test for acetone | 80.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis B virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis C virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen | 300.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen* | 200.00 |
Express blood glucose analysis | 80.00 |
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection | 60.00 |
Intravenous injection | 80.00 |
Intravenous infusion | 150.00 |
Intravenous infusion* | 75.00 |
Installation of an intravenous catheter | 60.00 |
Bandaging | 100.00 |
Suture removal | 100.00 |
Removal of the CV catheter | 150.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 100.00 |
Measurement of BCM | 150.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Formation of temporary vascular access (installation of a two-way catheter) | 2300.00 |
Формування тимчасового судинного доступу (встановлення двохходового катетера)* | 1700.00 |
Формування артеріо-венозної фістули | 7500.00 |
Формування артеріо-венозної фістули* | 6200.00 |
Перев’язка притока фістульної вени | 3500.00 |
Біопсія нирки | 2000.00 |
Plasma exchange procedure (for a patient up to 70 kg)** | 6000.00 |
Plasma exchange procedure (patient weight more than 70 kg)** | 8000.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 500.00 |
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 350.00 |
Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder | 400.00 |
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs | 500.00 |
Ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) | 800.00 |
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity | 600.00 |
Rapid urine analysis | 100.00 |
Rapid test for acetone | 80.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis B virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for hepatitis C virus | 250.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen | 300.00 |
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen* | 200.00 |
Швидкий тест для виявлення антитіл IgG/IgM до нового коронавірусу 2019-nCoV | 350.00 |
Швидкий тест для виявлення антитіл IgG/IgM до нового коронавірусу 2019-nCoV* | 250.00 |
Express blood glucose analysis | 80.00 |
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection | 60.00 |
Intravenous injection | 80.00 |
Intravenous infusion | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to painkillers, anesthetics | 150.00 |
Test for allergies to antibacterial drugs | 60.00 |
Installation of an intravenous catheter | 60.00 |
Bandaging | 150.00 |
Suture removal | 100.00 |
Local anesthesia | 120.00 |
Removal of the CV catheter | 150.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 150.00 |
Measurement of BCM | 150.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Formation of temporary vascular access (installation of a two-way catheter) | 2300.00 |
Формування тимчасового судинного доступу (встановлення двохходового катетера)* | 1700.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 400.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Measurement of BCM | 150.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 400.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 200.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 400.00 |
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 250.00 |
Nephrologist consultation online | 250.00 |
Nephrologist online re-consultation (up to 14 days) | 200.00 |
Express blood glucose analysis | 60.00 |
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection | 60.00 |
Intravenous injection | 80.00 |
Intravenous infusion | 150.00 |
Installation of an intravenous catheter | 60.00 |
Bandaging | 150.00 |
Suture removal | 100.00 |
Local anesthesia | 120.00 |
Removal of the CV catheter | 150.00 |
Electrocardiography (ECG) | 100.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 3700.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 0.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 0.00 |
Service name | Price (uah) |
Nephrologist consultation | 0.00 |
Hemodialysis procedure | 0.00 |