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World Kidney Day is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide.

World Kidney Day comes back every year. All across the globe, many hundred events take place from public screenings in Argentina to Zumba marathons in Malaysia. Ukraine is no exception, nephrologists of our country annually take part in this global event.

World Kidney Day 2022 is aiming to promote Kidney Health for All. The objective is to increase education and awareness about kidney health to bridge the persistent and ongoing CKD knowledge gap at all levels of healthcare. As this knowledge gap is stifling the fight against kidney disease, and increasing the inherently associated mortality rates,

LLC “Nephrocenter” is participating in World Kidney Day 2022 and encourages all of us: doctors, scientists, nurses and other health professionals, patients, administrators, health-policy experts and government officials to realize how raising awareness of the importance of kidney health can lead to significant benefits for both patients and the country's budget.