Clinic schedule
  • Monday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

    Wednesday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

    Friday 7 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Contact info

Lviv Nephrocenter

Welcome to the page of the Nephrocenter in Lviv!

In our Nephrocenter hemodialysis sessions are held according to the program of medical guarantees.

High-quality dialysis from the market leader Fresenius - 5008S devices, AqwaBplus3000 water treatment system and modern CDS concentrate supply system.

Professional staff - qualified nurses, certified engineers, doctors with many years of experience in dialysis and nephrology, professors and candidates of science.

Patient comfort. Our center provides the patient with a full range of services - from initial consultation to full dialysis support.

All services patients in our center receive free of charge.

With care for you, Nephrocenter!

Our services

Service name Price (uah)
Nephrologist consultation 700.00
Nephrologist re-consultation (up to 14 days) 350.00
Nephrologist consultation online 400.00
Nephrologist online re-consultation (up to 14 days) 200.00
Service name Price (uah)
Rapid urine analysis 100.00
Rapid test for acetone 80.00
Rapid test for hepatitis B virus 250.00
Rapid test for hepatitis C virus 250.00
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen 600.00
Rapid test for Covid-19 antigen* 300.00
Express blood glucose analysis 80.00
Service name Price (uah)
Intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular injection 60.00
Intravenous injection 80.00
Intravenous infusion 150.00
Test for allergies to painkillers, anesthetics 150.00
Test for allergies to antibacterial drugs 60.00
Installation of an intravenous catheter 60.00
Bandaging 150.00
Suture removal 100.00
Local anesthesia 120.00
Removal of the CV catheter 150.00
Service name Price (uah)
Electrocardiography (ECG) 150.00
Measurement of BCM 150.00
Hemodialysis procedure 3700.00
Formation of temporary vascular access (installation of a two-way catheter) 2300.00
Формування тимчасового судинного доступу (встановлення двохходового катетера)* 1700.00

* Для пацієнтів які лікуються методом гемодіалізу в умовах МЦ «НЕФРОЦЕНТР»

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