Clinic schedule
  • Monday 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.

    Tuesday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    Wednesday 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.

    Thursday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    Friday 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.

    Saturday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Contact info

Stryi Nephrocenter

Welcome to the page of the Nephrocenter in Strya!

Hemodialysis at the "Nephrocenter" dialysis clinic is:

  • An individual program of renal replacement therapy for each patient;
  • Improving the quality of life on programmed hemodialysis;
  • Selection of a convenient time for the procedure;
  • Use of exclusively modern equipment: Fresenius 5008S and 5008S CorDiax hemodialysis machines, BCM - body composition monitor. High-quality consumables: FX classix dialyzers
  • High quality of dialysate solution/substitute: modern new water treatment system AqwaBplus and AqwaAplus and centralized CDS concentrate supply system are used, water quality is constantly monitored. The staff employs experienced engineers who maintain dialysis water preparation systems strictly according to regulations. This technology is the only way to high-quality kidney replacement therapy! The water used in dialysis centers "Nephrocenter" meets all international quality standards. This ensures high efficiency and safety of hemodialysis procedures;
  • Comfortable conditions: dialysis rooms for procedures, comfortable beds with tables for personal belongings, changing rooms with individual wardrobes;
  • Professional and caring staff, doctors with 20 years of experience, individual approach to everyone;
  • Our center provides the patient with a full range of services - from initial consultation to full dialysis support;
  • Patients in our center receive all services free of charge under the medical guarantee program;
  • All types of dialysis - hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration, peritoneal dialysis.

With care for you, Nephrocenter!

Гемодіаліз, діаліз Гемодіаліз Нефролог Стрий Гемодіаліз Стрий Діаліз Стрий Гемодіаліз, діаліз Стрий Діалізна клініка Стрий Замісна ниркова терапія Медичний центр Стрий

Our services

Service name Price (uah)
Nephrologist consultation 400.00
Service name Price (uah)
Hemodialysis procedure 3700.00
Measurement of BCM 150.00

* Для пацієнтів які лікуються методом гемодіалізу в умовах МЦ «НЕФРОЦЕНТР»

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